Thursday, July 23, 2009

Naked Bottoms, Bye Bye Diapers

People can have different opinions on what is best for baby. Women battle with so many questions when becoming a first time mother. Should I breast feed or bottle feed, is it ok to not wash your newborn's cloths before using them or even what are the best diapers to use or should I use diapers at all.

Diapers have made life so simple and clean to deal with the poppy mess but contrary to popular beliefs, there are people who believe in more natural ways of potty training their little one. More popular in third world countries due to the lack of accessibility and money, it’s a norm to potty train babies by keeping them naked from very young ages.

Babies that are trained in this way have a higher rate of being trained a lot faster and younger. But the question is who is up to the challenge of putting this to a test.
  • You would start by leaving you baby naked to roam freely at home.
  • Make notes on the routine in his or her bowl movements.
  • While cleaning up the mess you keep insisting to the baby that this needs to be done in the toilet.
  • Walk the baby over to the toilet and show them what to do.
Being consistent is the key to having this technique work.

Though I don’t consider myself a fan of this method, I did know someone who would swear by this technique. You have to be very patient and know that you will encounter messes in the first few days until baby's routine is in place.

Babies seems to learn faster and many are potty trained a lot younger than the ones in diapers.
Big question would really be, are you up for the challenge. I tried it for fun one day to see if I could really hack it. I ended up putting a diaper on my little girl after 6 hours.

The idea of doing away with the expense of diapers might give you a push to try it out yourself.
You baby might learn quickly and help you say bye bye diapers for good.


  1. ugh!! I dont think so!! LOL

  2. Those diaper cakes are adorable! Best ones I've ever seen!
