Friday, March 12, 2010

Having a Baby Changes Everything Frogs Commerical

A few blog posts back I posted one of my favorite commercials, from Johnson and Johnson, Short and Bald.
I came across another one of the commercials that was shot for the Johnson and Johnson "Having a baby changes everything Campaign." They seem to be a bit hard to find on the Internet but I am deter mind to find them all.

Here is the second commercial in their campaign, Frogs.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ducks Bridal Towel Cake

Recently I created a towel cake for a Bridal Shower. I get more opportunities to build diaper cakes for baby showers but once in a while I get the opportunity to make one for a Bride-to-be. For this cake I went to her registry and used the towels she had chosen.

The cake was made with 1 large shower towel, 2 hand towels, and 2 wash towels.
At the bridal shower most of the ladies were in love with the two bride and groom ducks that were perched on the top.